Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Pick Me Up
So...with shirts officially in hand, we will start getting those free shirts out to the FFFCampaign winners ASAP. And please support your local brand and purchase one of these amazing shirts from us! Please send an email to with your shirt(s) requests!
Get Gooder
(quick note: The V-Neck's apparently do not come in a women's size, so the women's sizes will be in a men's and as follows: XXS = S, XS = M, S = L. The first size is in men's and the second is women's. They still look awesome! Just ask Ali Rude : ) )
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Current Stock List
Men's Sizes:
Small: 3
Large: 4
Women's Sizes:
Small: 4Medium: 6
Large: 3
Men's Sizes:
Small: 4
Medium: 6
Large: 4
Women's Sizes:
Small: 2
Medium: 7
Large: 2
To order, please send an email to provide us with which shirt(s) you want, what size in men's or women's, your full name, contact information and your address. We will not necessarily mail it to you if you are local and just hand deliever it : ). We will try our best to ship to orders that are not local, but the fact that we have no form of online payment yet makes it a little difficult to complete the transactions. In this case, we will contact you and try to figure out some way to get you your shirt and a payment method.
As you can tell, sizes are limited!!! There are only about 50 shirts left! So don't waste time on being a part of history!!!
Get Gooder
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Get Gooder
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
First Fifteen Free Campaign

Monday, February 15, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR! (The Rude Revolution)
It's the Year of the Tiger by the way...why not start off the new year with TWO shirts in production and a simple but LEGIT new website???
check it:
It's really only a link to this blog...but it'll hold it down until we get a full blown site going! Keep a close eye on your facebooks for a chance to get some shirts and start the Rude Revolution!
Getting Gooder since MMX
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Big Moves...
Turns out today was a big day for Rude Etiquette. Yesterday we got in contact with a local screen printer and got the best quote we have gotten to date. (He also does the shirts for True!) We decided to jump on the deal and get our first shirts out there! We went down today to get the graphics right and put down a depost; and in the process we learned alot from the screen printer. Hopefully within a week we'll have our first shirts in our hands and ready to share with the world!!!! We're all so excited right now!
We also jumped on securing a domain name for a now we officially have, which we are currently working on! It's all coming together for us and hopefully it is just the beginning of something bigger!

Get Gooder
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Getting To Know The Rudes: D_Rude

Age: 21
Position: Visionary/Co-Founder

What is Rude Etiquette (to you)?: Rude Etiquette is my answer to what I want to do in life. It is the answer to my feeling of never wanting to work for anybody and not wanting a desk job. It is my creative outlet that I can share with my friends and can hopefully take me around the world with them.
Describe your personal style: Urban with some Scene, a touch of Americana and a bit of laziness.
What inspires it?: Music is usually my source of inspiration, but the more I research fashion and style, what I discover (i.e. fashion designers, new brands, eras in history) begins to play more of a role in my outfits.
What’s your favorite brand?: The Brooklyn Circus
What’s your favorite article of clothing (or the one you wear most) and why?: As of late, my Brooklyn Circus denim jacket. It is a perfect fit for me and it spruces up any outfit.
Personal statement (say anything you want here about the brand, life, the world etc.): If you don’t make moves, all you’ll be doing is standing there. As I grow older, I’m finally starting to make moves and the world I’ve been hiding from is looking pretty good.

Friday, February 12, 2010
Getting To Know The Rudes: Ali Rude

Age: 19
Position: Women's wear/ Co-founder

Describe your personal style: expressive, romantic, a way of sharing my creative perspective to the public on an everyday basis
What inspires it?: music, art, generations; pulling different styles out of different time periods to combine it all in a messed up time capsule
What’s your favorite brand?: Vintage
What’s your favorite article of clothing (or the one you wear most) and why?: used to be my grandmothers riding boots, but i loved them so much that they had to officially retire, now its a turquoise ring that i found in a stash of my mothers old jewelery from the '70's!
Personal statement (say anything you want here about the brand, life, the world etc.):Never be afraid of expressing your individuality, because you don't want to look back on a life that you put limitations on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Getting To Know The Rudes: Frankly Rude

Describe your personal style: An evolving style or styles.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Meeting of The Rudes: February 8, 2010

We squeezed in a Rude meeting with our ever growing busy schedules and we made quite a bit of progress. As you can see from the image above, Frankly Rude has been a bit busy knocking out a wholelotta concepts. We had the meeting with the intent on picking two shirts that we felt were strong enough to make the cut for our first batch of shirts. And I'm happy to report that we did! We almost unanimously chose one of the shirts and made a few modifications on it. The second was a bit more difficult; but we put our Rude minds together and essentially combined 2 shirts we had and made one that we are all proud of! We have to gather some more information and some quotes on how much it is going to be to get these shirts out there, but hopefully they'll be out there soon! We also have an awesome plan to start getting the shirts out not to give too much away...keep your eyes posted on your facebooks ; ).
Get Gooder
Monday, February 1, 2010
Some Dim Sum Fun...

(Frank's favorite! BBQ Pork Bun!)

Get Gooder
(OH! And we saw MARTIN YAN of YAN CAN COOK at the restaurant! But, we were too chicken to get a picture with him :[ )
Not So Candid Camera