LINER NOTES is my very first attempt to review music. I've always wanted to try and review music and I think that PICTURE BOOK format will give me an interesting platform to do it!
For the younger kids who are accustomed with just downloading music, both legally and illegally, liner notes are the printed words inside the album booklet. They let you know who wrote and produced the album/songs and also included the thank you's by the music artist. It was in the liner notes that I discovered new bands when I was younger.
I hope I can be consistent with my reviews of single songs and albums (EP's and LPs). Songs may be more relevant to review in terms of
new music, seeing as how getting my hands on albums that have yet to be released may be difficult (unless I download leaked versions which I am currently against). But, I'm excited to expand the coverage that PICTURE BOOK is able to provide and I hope to expand even more!
Get Gooder
PS: We're hoping for our cut n' sew t-shirts to be finished by the middle to end of November and will work on a release date. I'm hoping to release them before the new year, but we might have to hold off due to some interestingly big things in the future!
We're also working on ideas for more cut n' sew projects to work on next year! Excited is an understatement folks!