Today was a VERY busy day for Rude Etiquette. But, it could not have happened on a more
beautiful day! It felt like California is back to it's old self! Don't get me wrong...I
LOVE cold weather...but it was nice to have a nice warm day like today. And to think I was planning on staying in most of the day to do homework! Haha! But anyways...we started off by having lunch at In & Out, then headed out to get details for a special edition shirt done. The shirts are for an event we are going to be participating in and we'll be announcing it later today : ). We're very excited and I'm very nervous :/. haha...we also added on to the Rude family today! We'll introduce her ('s a
her) in the next post! We're very excited with the new edition and the vibe she brings to Rude Etiquette!

Sprinkles in your White Mocha? WHY NOT? It was goooood! :)

Frankly Rude's FAVORITE shop (RVCA)! He couldn't resist and got himself a few goodies!

and I couldn't resist these pants! Haha...HAD to try them on!
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