HAPPY EASTER! I hope most of you enjoyed a nice Sunday off! I know the Rudes did! We took this rare opportunity to meet up and do some work! We finally had another meeting...it's getting harder and harder with our ever increasing busy schedules, but we made some ground up today. We are slowly completing steps to get our webstore up for you guys! We really want to get it up so that everybody can get one of our shirts hassel free! So please check back with us to know when the webstore will finally be up!
The big thing we got accomplished today was finally deciding on a launch date for Ali Rude's Rudetant blog! And we figured, why not TONIGHT?! Rudetants...Rude&Refined is going to be Ali Rude's voice within Rude Etiquette. On the blog you'll be able to see where we are headed with the women's wear line and also follow Ali's unique sense of fashion and just plain get to know Ali and the great person that she is :). We are very excited to add the blog to our repertoire. We want Rude Etiquette as a brand to be more than clothing, more importantly, more than just MEN'S clothing. We hope to grow and have a presence in all that the Rudes are interested in, whether it be design, music, or art. SO PLEASE FOLLOW THE RUDETANTS BLOG! There is a link up on the right hand corner of the blog...or check it at www.therudetants.blogspot.com! There should be a blog post up by tonight!
Get Gooder
PS: We also got a step closer in finalizing some projects we hope to get done before summer and added some ideas to our Fall/Winter Line! We're so excited for it! ..."each step an arrival"...
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