I can't express how lucky we are to be the HQ of Levi Strauss. We get to witness all the cool things that Levi does (outside of the cool stuff they do in Japan). They had the Opening Ceremony collabo a while back and now they hit us with a custom Tailor Shop on the bottom floor of the flagship store in Union Square and a cool workshop on Valencia St. in the city. The Tailor Shop pretty much lets you do whatever you want to customize your jeans; from patches, to embroidering to screen printing. Whereas the workshop helps educate people about the world of print, from books to silk screening. More info on the workshop can be read here:
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/07/02/LVKO1E66ST.DTL or you can visit the website:
http://workshops.levi.com/. Be sure to check out both shops!

Get Gooder
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