Now I'm not saying that I'm old or beyond this current generation. I own an iPod and am GRATEFUL for it. And I'm not a person who collects vinyl and knows every obsure record or single ever to be produced. But, I AM one of the few remaining people I know who still actually goes out to record stores (and Best Buy and Target) and purchases physical copies of music. I feel as if the CD is becoming this generations vinyl (although vinyl, especially 7" vinyl is making quite a comeback).
I've been reminiscing recently about the state of music; the way that people find new acts and get new music specifically. I actually felt old when I talked to my cousin about how I used to LOVE reading the liner notes of a CD booklet to find out which bands they thanked so I could go out and check out those bands; because more often than not, if a band I liked thanked another band, I would probably like that band as well. That's how it used to work (before I discovered music magazines). Now you have Myspace and iTunes which makes discovering new bands easier than finding old bands. Heck, The Beatles weren't even on iTunes until a couple years ago, and I'm pretty sure they don't have an OFFICIAL Myspace Music page.
Now, my CD collection may pale in comparison to some, but to my immediate friends: it's pretty extensive. I probably own thousands of dollars worth of CD's and I probably have thoroughly listened to 5% of them. But, that's the risk you get for purchasing a CD. I know that Record Labels totally rip us off, and music artists for that matter, but I feel that if I'm willing to spend that $10 on a CD, that shows the musical artist my support. And aside from actually going to their show (where most music acts make their money from), I feel that purchasing their album is the next best way to show my support.
It's not that I NEVER download music from the internets, I probably download a song or mixtape a few times a week; but, come Tuesday, if there is an album I've been waiting for or intrigues me, I'll be at the nearest Best Buy or Target...haha...and if they don't have it, than Rasputin and Amoeba here I come!
Get Gooder
PS: This is NOT an anti-free music post. Download away! This is just a post reminiscing about how music used to be obtained and how the state of discovering new music used to be. I by NO MEANS am against downloading music; as stated in the post, I download music too.
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